Monday, September 29, 2014

VOTE for the LEVY Background - Impetus to Undergird Services for Older Citizens of Clermont County

* Note - Mama typed this out on her computer - not sure of "when". Still have her old computer - maybe it's on there!

What was the impetus for a LEVY to undergird services for Older Citizens of Clermont County?  One has to look back beyond 1980 to put into perspective some of the historical background of funding social services.

This country has a relatively short attention spand and "we" move in about thirty year cycles.

In the thirties the concern for our fellow beings brought some massive social changes. Churches and small charity organizations could no longer take care of the needy, so Social Security or Federal Insurance came into being to protect the ordinary citizen from being destitute when industry or businesses made poor deciswions.

The 60's brought a 'I Gotta Be Me" syndrome, but it also brought the Older Americans Act and with it Medicare. As e follow the hisory of the LEVY we need to go back to some of the effort that ws needed to even get such an issue on the ballot!

I became overly ambitious and decided Ohio needed a bill similar to those for MRDD (Mental Retardation DD?)  and the Mentally Ill.

I rewrote those bills to establish a County Dept. of Aging ith state funding. At that time Ohio was putting in $50,000 and all the rest was Federal funds. Despite his misgivings, Bill Bogart set up an appointment with Governor Rhodes and Martin Janis to talk over the possibility of legislative backing. The idea was SHOT DOWN immediately. The state wasn't ready for sucha sweeping change. Now I wonder whatever gave me the "chutzpah" and conceit to start such a thing!

In the meantime, Clermont Senior Services, Inc. had been established and funding came for the OAA (Ohio Age ______), U.W. and nine other sources. *(Note - Need a list of these......). The need was growing with the number of older persons (more people getting old).

Ah! Ha! The legislature passed a bill allwing a County to raise the sales tax.

The CSS (Clermont Senior Services, Inc.) board agreed that we should approach the Clermont County Commissioners to raise the sales tax to benefit the Senior Citizens nd the Sherfif's office. (We made a lovely presentation). The tax was raised, but for the General Fund.

The tenor of the country was changing and we needed to look "down the road' to determine how the needs (for Senior Citizens) coule be met. Our level of Federal Funding had grown to about $800,000 a year. Our Home Health Program, Protective SErvices and Foster Car Program were totally dependent on the Title XX funds. About half of our staff were funded by CETA, U.W. and supported the Centers, the Volunteers and some Transportation. But most of the credit belongs to the Clermont County Commissioners for the Transportation.

At this time I would like to recognize Harold Bizzantz and Jerry Weisenhahan, and ask the to stand and be reconized. They represent that caring attitude of the Commissioners throughout the years to Clermont County Senior Citizens.

After the Ohio Governors conference that year - we went back to the legislature to request that a bill be passed to allow the County Commssioners to place a LEVY n the ballot to raise funds for Senior Programs. It happened!

Urbana and Mariemont placed levies on their ballot and were successful. The CSS Board requested Clermont County Commissioners to place a 1/2 mil. levy on the ballot. The answer was YES!

1980 - We gathered together every friend and foe we ever had and began to work to convice the electorate that this levy was needed. People were fed up with the War on Poverty - we had been at it for fifteen years and we hadn't yet won it.

Both of myh daughters were most helpful. Karen designed lyers, sandwich boards, paper hats, bumper sitckers and a song to be blared over the loud speakers (bought cassette players @ Radio Shack - put in transportation buses). Joyce rounded up the Volunteers that had worked on the Hospital and MRDD levies. The Seniors made hundreds of phone calls, bumper stickers were donated, businesses donated funds to buy publicity and the flyers and the yeard signs. The Chamber gave excellent support. One can nt count the hundreds of man-hours put into that campaign by employees, board members, volunteers and the community. Talks were given to every organization tht would let us into the door. The enthusism was high and we really were a joyful crowd working together.

We lost that "round" by 1000 votes. Miami Twp. was our Achilles Heel! Well, back again to the business people, the volunteers, the staff and board, the friends, the Commissioners. All the same approach only more of it. We lost again by 600 votes in 19811.

1982 - One more time with the full cooperation of the County Commissioners, the businesses, the white elephant sales, the bake sales, every place we could raise dollars to pay for supplies for the campaign.

The "Vote for the Levy" sng blared again from the buses and cards, poll workers wore the sandwich boards, combs and matchbooks were given out at the Clermont County Fair - using every gimmick we could think of to make the campaign a success. There were hundreds of volunteers phoning and sending out mailings and giving talks. I even decided to run for State Representative (District 66) to gain every bit of exposure. "They" hd to let me talk at all those Political meetings!!! CSS Board and stafe many many presentations to reinforce the need for this LEVY for Seniors to pass!!! Thousands of flyers were distributed.

Well! We won by 1100 votes in 1982 - a 1/2mill levy!

Federal Funding began to fade (again) so the County Commissioners put a one mill levy on the ballot in 1986. It was a hearteneing expwrience as most everyone saw the need for the services and worked to be sure the levy passed. We all had a dandy time following the procedures laid out in the earlier campaigns and the success reflected again in the support of the business community, the political groups, the friends, the volunteers and the Seniors.

CSS pioneered a county-wide levy. Ane one of the pleasues our staff has had is the helping of other Counties including Hamilton. A Conference was held about three years ago where it was noted that seventeen counties (now 19) have passed County-wide levies to support services for their Older Citizens. The leadership of Clermont County n establishing groundwork for passage of levies and also innovative services was recognized.

There is much more that can be said about individual efforts, each and every time a levy has been on the ballot. In 1991 and again in 996 - it has taken a tremendous amount of physical work - the big 4x8' signs, that were erected strategically and the hundreds of yard signs that volunteers and employees were responsible for - can make one's head swim!

We wanted this to be a short little talk - but condensiving sixteen years and six campaigns into one page - anyway, it was planning, discussing, discarding ideas, conjoling, gegging, pleading, cussing now and then and a lot of praying for guidance and help for all of us as we met together to continue the success of S4.CSS and replace the 1991 levy.

At this time, I would like to congratulate George Brown, the agency Board members and the Levy Committee members on their success.

Will the Committe Members please stand?

Thank YOU!!!

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