Monday, September 22, 2014

LBD - Job Application Resume

Here's another resume for Lois Brown Dale typed by Mama (Helen Lois Karch - Brown - Dale)

Home Address:       5433 Carterway Drive   Milford, OH 45150
Home Phone:          831-0975
Business Address:   Clermont Senior Services, Inc.
                                233 Main Street, Batavia, Ohio 45150
Business Phone:      732-0183
Health:                     Excellent
Marital Status:         Married
Education:               High School Graduate - Indianapolis 1934
                                Tudor Hall School for Young Ladies 1935
                                Courses at Butler University and University of Cincinnati
References:             References pertaining to my personal attributes as well as
                                my business capabilities are readily available as circumstances warrant.
1. A sensitive executive level position in the social work field with significant service. It should have growth potential.
2. The position may involve management of others or may focus upon my own personal performance. Preferably, it will draw most heavily upon my experience and capabilities to be imaginative, enthusiastic, persuasive and analytical.
3. Salary commensurate with abilities.
October 1969 to present:
Director of Clermont Senior Services, Inc. Wrote the original proposal fo submission by the Y.W.C.A. for funding to start the Senior Center Program in Clermont County with a Title III grant from the Older Americans Act. This grew into a multi-faceted program that is now offered, with seven Center locations, a transportation system, Adopt-A-Gran, Home Health Aides, Hearing Testing. Employment Program (Green Thumb) and Information and Referral. Have worked with other agencies public and private to obtain benefits for Clermont County.
October 1967 to October 1969
Consultant to Clermont County Commissioners. Responsibility to implement "648" Board, "169" Board, Hospital Commission, Youth Commission, supervised N.Y.C. program, helped arrange funding fort C.A.C. programs, served as a representative on the Working Committee to put together CORVA for the Commissioners. Attended Conferences and meetings to represent their viewpoint on the loca area and state levels, made trps to Washington, D.C. for them related to funding, wrote a transportation proposal. (Actually, duties too numerous to detail).
June 1967 to October 1967
Community Chest's United Appeal Campaign. Set up tours and guides' schedules and arranged for gencies to "profile" for fund raisers. Wrote an appraisal to maximize use of tours.
January 1966 to June 1967
Internal Revenue Service in the "Error Resolution Department", responsibility to ascertain  why returns were not accepted by the computer. A demanding, boring, fascinating job.
December 1960 to December 1965
Studied and researched facts and figures on companies in the Eastern half of the Country as prospects for mergers for H.E. Lunken and my late husband. Stock Reprts, Financial Reports and News Reports were included in these analyzations.
The success of Clermont Senior Services, Inc. overall organization and effective performance is my personal responsibility. The ability to recognize needs and select programs to be of service and sell them to the community is great in value. The agency has needed continuous motivation of personnel to achieve objetives and establish and maintain excellent working relaitons wiht limited financing.
I was able to obtain necessary funding from various sources to enhance programming. The confidence in our agency is predicated upon our forthrightness in presenting our problems and on our acumen in dealing with them. The challenge of coordinating people (paid and volunteer) programs and money over the past five years has culminated in a well reconized agency in the community doing an outstanding job.
The County Commissioners will be happy to tell you about my abilities to bring people together, to get the job done with excellent follow-thru, as related to my responsibilities to them. As a creative and analytical thinker I was able to offer sensitive direction compatible with the political structure.
I feel I have a great deal to offer based on varied experience dealing with "PEOPLE PROBLEMS".
I can organize new activities and improve established ones involving small or large groups.
I can organize, recruit and train volunteers and maintain their enthusiastic support.
I can handle public relations activities including speaking before groups, writing publicity and fostering harmonious relationships between groups.
Chairman of the Volunteer Bureau - 3 years, Vice Chairman - 3 years, Secretary - 2 years.
Chairman of Family Life Federation - 3 years, Vice Chairman - 2 years.
Member of Executive Committee of Ohio Citizens Council - 6 years, Board Member - 9 years
Member of Board of Directors - Health and Welfare Council - Cincinnati Area - 7 years
Member of Clermont County Health and Welfare Committee*(*Council) 14 years
Member of Legislative Council of the Cincinnati Area Health and Welfare Council - 8 years
Director of Volunteer Employment Service for Clermont County
      Demonstrated by organizing and operating the service for one year the need for better service
      by the Ohio State Employment Service to place people on jobs in the county.
Organized a retail outlet (Heart Mart) for the Children's Heart Association in Clermont County - 2 years as a volunteer - 3 days a week.
Organized Clermont County's League of Women Voters and served as President for 3 years and a board member for 6 years. Helped to write a booklet on County Government.
Served as a volunteer for programs for the retarded, song leader at Longview Hospital, twelve yeas as a 4-H Advisor, PTA board member in various offices, board member For several Community
Chest agencies.
Actually, I've worked as a volunteer in many different capacities, too many to enumerate.

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