Tuesday, March 14, 2017

3/14/2017 White Haired Ladies and more by LBD

White-Haired Ladies

They all look alike -
Skin so translucent
Pale thin bloodless lips -
Teeth so false and
Eyes faintly grey -
Why do they all
Look alike?
Bulging tummies and
Boobs so big and
Moving carefully
Afraid of a stumble or fall
Remember Mabel?
She broke a hip
Just stepping on a pebble
Why do they all
Look alike?
Wild patterns and
Harsh colors -
Hoping to feel young
and alive -
Why do they all
Look alike?
The giggles and laughter
High pitched or throaty
The gestures of floating
Why do they all
Look alike?
The reminiscing, the stories
So often told
Who care to hear them?
The hopeful smile
At the disinterested sales clerk
My husband once asked
Whey do they all
Look alike?

It's Hard to be "Up" All the Time

Yet somehow, I'm never
really down -
Pollyanna - tomorrow
"It" will all work out.
James is always near
I feel his careful loving, I believe
Yes, I believe that I am watched over.
There is a God in Heaven
I believe, Yes, I believe
there is a purpose to my life -
Most of the time I couldn't tell you why
but I believe -
Not unlike Job, I've lost so much dear to me,
But I cannot sit in ashes
Bewailing my lot.

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