The lessons learned from Lois were many and varied. Here are a few that have special meaning:
- Never mind meddling. This 'meddling' was done out of caring and compassion, and for the benefit of another.
- Stories teach many lessons from experience. Lois was a great story-teller always with humor and flair.
- We are here to help others. This showed through on the many programs at Clermont Senior Services; i.e. transportation, senior centers, nutrition, health care, hearing testing/health screening, protective services, adult day care, support groups.
- The importance of each and every person's contribution to the agency (encouragement). Lois had the ability to bring out the best in everyone using those qualities to benefit the agency programs.
- Co-ordinate with and assist other groups to answer people's needs, i.e. hospitals, businesses, human services, YMCA, veterans, libraries, etc.
- How to plan, organize, write and budget programs. Always ask for more dollars than needed because you will most likely receive less than requested.
- Go after the dollars needed for services and programs. Meet with the County or State officials to make requests when necessary. When Lois did not sleep; I always had lots of work to do!
- Volunteers are the backbone of the communities. Without them we could not accomplish nearly as much.
- Enjoy all avenues of life: family, friends, work, crafts, sewing, art, culture, reading, writing, religion, music, poetry and on-and-on.
Lois contributed to so many lives. She knew what was needed, could see future needs and worked tirelessly to achieve success. Lois is remembered as a marvelous, wonderful person, who provides unique memories for so many. Lois will always hold a special place in my heart.
Written by Linda L. Lang
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